Dear customers, we will ship your orders until December 20th, 2024. We will be back for you on January 6th, 2025. Orders are possible at any time.
🎄 We wish you happy holidays! 🎁


Contact details and legal obligations. GmbH

Wilhelm-Mast-Straße 9, 38304 Wolfenbüttel, Germany

+49 (0)5331 710 8480

VAT ID: DE276967391

District Court: Braunschweig HRB202999

Represented by:

Michael Tomerius

Responsible for content:

Michael Tomerius

Technical Contact:

Cube Media GmbH

Großer Burstah 45

20457 Hamburg


+49 (0)40 – 254 67997

Platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR Platform):

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR Platform) in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013. This platform offers consumers and traders the opportunity to resolve disputes related to online purchases or online service contracts in a simple and efficient manner. You can access this platform through the following link:

Please note that we do not participate in alternative dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board and we are not obligated to do so.


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